Synergies Between Climate Policies and the Sustainable Development Goals in Haiti
Kuhl, Laura (2019). Synergies between Climate Policies and the Sustainable Development Goals in Haiti. Available at SSRN. (February 28, 2019).

Politics of Urban Energy Transitions: New Energy Vehicle (NEV) Development in Shenzhen, China
Huang, Ping, Li, Ping. (2019). Politics of urban energy transitions: new energy vehicle (NEV) development in Shenzhen, China. Environmental Politics.

The Verticality of Policy Mixes for Sustainability Transitions: A Case Study of Solar Water Heating in China
Huang, Ping. (2019). The verticality of policy mixes for sustainability transitions: A case study of solar water heating in China. Research Policy.

Assessing the Policy Gaps for Achieving China's Climate Targets in the Paris Agreement
Gallagher, K.S., Zhang, Fang, et.al. (2019). Assessing the Policy gaps for achieving China’s climate targets in the Paris Agreement. Nature Communications.

Titans of the Climate: Explaining Policy Process in the United States and China
Gallagher, K.S. and Xuan, X. (2019). Titans of the Climate: Explaining Policy Process in the United States and China. MIT Press.

Paying for Pollution: Why a Carbon Tax is Good for America
Metcalf, G.E. (2019). Paying for Pollution: Why a Carbon Tax is Good for America. Oxford University Press.

Experience with Carbon Taxes and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Systems
Haites, Erik, Gallagher, K.S., Narasshiman, E., et al. (2018). Experience with Carbon Taxes and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Systems. Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum, pp. 109-18 (2018).

Bridging the Gap: The Role of Innovation Policy and Market Creation
Mazzucato, M., Semieniuk, G., Gallagher, K.S., Huang, P. et al. (2018). Bridging the gap: The role of innovation policy and market creation. UN Environment Programme Emissions Gap Report 2018, pp. 52-60.

Opportunities and Challenges in International Cooperative Approaches of the Paris Agreement
Bhandary, Rishikesh Ram. Opportunities and Challenges in International Cooperative Approaches of the Paris Agreement. Carbon & Climate Law Review, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2018.

The Role of Demand-Side Incentives and Charging Infrastructure on Plug-in Electric Vehicle Adoption: Analysis of US States
Narassimhan, E., and Johnson, C. (2018). The role of demand-side incentives and charging infrastructure on plug-in electric vehicle adoption: analysis of US States. Environmental Research Letters 13(7).

Carbon Pricing in Practice: A Review of Existing Emissions Trading Systems
Narassimhan, E., Gallagher, K. S., Koester, S., & Alejo, J. R. (2018). Carbon pricing in practice: A review of existing emissions trading systems. Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2018.1467827

Potential Contributions of Market-systems Development Initiatives for Building Climate Resistance
Kuhl, L. (2018). Potential contributions of market-systems development initiatives for building climate resilience. World Development (108), 131-144.

Linking Climate Policies to Advance Global Mitigation
Mehling, M. A., Metcalf, G. E., & Stavins, R. N. (2018). Linking climate policies to advance global mitigation. Science, 359(6379), 997-998.

Rescue US Energy Innovation
Anadon, L., Gallagher, K., & Holdren, J. (2017). Rescue US energy innovation. Nature Energy.

Acting in Time on Energy Policy
Gallagher, Kelly Sims. (2017). Acting in Time on Energy Policy, (editor) Beijing, China: China Environmental Science Press (中国环境科学出版社)

Smallholder Agriculture and Climate Change
Cohn, A., Newton, P., Gil, J., Kuhl, L., Samberg, L., Ricciardi, V., Manly, J., Northrop, S. (2017). Smallholder Agriculture and Climate Change. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 42(1).

The Impact of Removing Tax Preferences for U.S. Oil and Gas Production
Metcalf, G.E. The Impact of Removing Tax Preferences for U.S. Oil and Gas Production. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Vol. forthcoming (2017)

Coalition Strategies in the Climate Negotiations: An Analysis of Mountain-related Coalitions
Bhandary, R. R. (2017). Coalition strategies in the climate negotiations: an analysis of mountain-related coalitions. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 17(2), 173-190.

The Role of Government in Industrial Energy Conservation in China: Lessons from the Iron and Steel Industry
Zhang, F., Huang, K. (2017). The role of government in industrial energy conservation in China: Lessons from the iron and steel industry. Energy for Sustainable Development (39), 101-114.

Why China Needs Data Sharing to Address Its Air-quality Challenge
Funk, P., Xue, L. Liang, Z., Gallagher, K.S., Cowhey, P. F., Fuchs, E.R.H. (2017). Why China needs data sharing to address its air-quality challenge. Natl Sci Rev 2017 doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwx059

Carbon Tax Competitiveness Concerns: Assessing a Best Practices Carbon Credit
Gray, W.B. and Metcalf, G.E. Carbon Tax Competitiveness Concerns: Assessing a Best Practices Carbon Credit. National Tax Journal Vol. 70 Iss. 2 (2017) p. 447 - 468

Integrated Assessment Models and the Social Cost of Carbon: A Review and Assessment
Metcalf, G.E., Stock, J. Integrated Assessment Models and the Social Cost of Carbon: A Review and Assessment. Rev Environ Econ Policy (2017) 11 (1): 80-99.

Innovation and Technology Transfer Through Global Value Chains: Evidence from China's PV Industry
Gallagher, K.S., Zhang, F. (2016) "Innovation and technology transfer through global value chains: Evidence from China's PV industry" Energy Policy Vol. 94 (2016) p. 191 - 203

A Conceptual Framework for Measuring the Effectiveness of Green Fiscal Reforms
Metcalf, G.E. "A Conceptual Framework for Measuring the Effectiveness of Green Fiscal Reforms" International Journal of Green Growth and Development Vol. 2 Iss. 2 (2016) p. 87 - 126

Does Better Information Lead to Better Choices? Evidence from Energy-Efficiency Labels
Davis, L.W. and Metcalf, G.E. "Does Better Information Lead to Better Choices? Evidence from Energy-Efficiency Labels" Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Vol. 3 Iss. 3 (2016) p. 589 - 625

Adding Quantity Certainty to a Carbon Tax: The Role of a Tax Adjustment Mechanism for Policy Pre-Commitment
Hafstead, M., Metcalf, G.E. and Williams, R.C. (2016). Adding Quantity Certainty to a Carbon Tax: The Role of a Tax Adjustment Mechanism for Policy Pre-Commitment. RFF Discussion Paper 16-43

Technology Transfer for Adaptation
Biagini, B., Kuhl, L., Gallgher, K., Ortiz, C. (2015). Technology transfer for adaptation. Nature Climate Change 4, 828-834.

The Globalization of Clean Energy Technology: Lessons from China
Gallagher, Kelly S. (2014). The Globalization of Clean Energy Technology: Lessons from China. MIT Press.

Electricity-sector Transitions for Green Industrialization: A Case Study of Ethiopia
Narassimhan, E. (2020). Electricity-sector transitions for green industrialization: a case study of Ethiopia. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Scaling Up Solar Pumps for Irrigation and Domestic Water Use in Ethiopia: The Role of Blended Finance
Bhandary, R., Karber, K., Narassimhan, E., Pandey, B. (2020). Scaling Up Solar Pumps for Irrigation and Domestic Water Use in Ethiopia: The Role of Blended Finance. Climate Policy Lab.

Leaders and Followers in Finance Mobilization for Renewable Energy in Germany and China
Zhang, F. (2020). Leaders and followers in finance mobilization for renewable energy in Germany and China. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.

Green Cooperation, Green Competition
Gallagher, K.S. (2020). Green cooperation, green competition. Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.

Designing Fit-for-purpose National Climate Funds: A Guidebook for Decision-makers
Flynn, C., Bhandary, R. R., (2019). Designing Fit-for-Purpose National Climate Funds: A Guidebook for Decision-Makers. Climate Policy Lab and UNDP.

Climate Finance Policy in Practice: A Review of the Evidence
Bhandary, R.R., Gallagher, K.S., Zhang, F. (2019). Climate Finance Policy in Practice: A Review of the Evidence. Medford, MA. Climate Policy Lab.

DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database: 2020
Gallagher, K.S. and L.D. Anadon. (2020). "DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database," Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University; Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge; and Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School. July 3, 2020.

Inventory of Chinese Policies for Domestic and Overseas Investments
Qi, Q. and Gallagher, K.S. (2020). Inventory of Chinese Policies for Domestic and Overseas Investments. The Center for International Environment and Resource Policy, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. See interactive and updated version here.

Deployment of Deep Decarbonization Technologies: Proceedings of a Workshop
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2019). Deployment of Deep Decarbonization Technologies: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/25656.
(Planning Committee for the Workshop chaired by Kelly Sims Gallagher.)

Implementing Paris Pledges: Highlights from African LDCs
Bhandary, R., and van der Wansem, M. (2019). Implementing Paris Pledges: Highlights from African LDCs. CIERP Climate Policy Lab Policy Brief.

DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database: 2019
Gallagher, K.S., and Anadon, L.D. (2019). ”DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database,” The Fletcher School, Tufts University; Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge; and Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School; August 28, 2019

Analysis of International Funding for Haiti’s Climate Change Priorities
Gallagher, Kelly Sims; Perry, Keston; van der Wansem, Mieke; Kuhl, Laura; and Frapaise, Laurent. Analyse des Fonds Internationaux pour les Priorités Relatives aux Changements Climatiques Haïtiennes (Analysis of International Funding for Haiti’s Climate Change Priorities), January 29, 2019. Available in French and English.

CIERP Annual Report: Year in Review 2017-2018
CIERP's Annual Report: Year in Review 2017-2018.

The Future of Transportation: Symposium Proceedings and Discussion
Kates-Garnick, B., Freudenstein, P., Gillis, J., Mann, S., Mohan, P., and Palumbo, M. (2018). The Future of Transportation: Symposium Proceedings and Discussion. Medford, MA. Climate Policy Lab.

Clean Energy Policy and Expanding Markets: Insights from Corporate, Labor and Investor Leaders
Knobloch, K., Kates-Garnick, B., Foster, D., Koester, S. and Harmache, C. (2018). Clean Energy Policy and Expanding Markets: Insights from Corporate, Labor and Investor Leaders. Medford, MA. Climate Policy Lab.

Policies Governing China's Overseas Development Finance: Implications for Cimate Change
Gallagher, K. S. and Qi, Q. (2018). Policies Governing China’s Overseas Development Finance: Implications for Climate Change. Medford, MA. Climate Policy Lab.

Carbon Pricing in Practice: A Review of the Evidence
Narassimhan, E., Gallagher, K. S., Koester, S. and Rivera Alejo, J. (2017). Carbon Pricing in Practice: A Review of the Evidence. Medford, MA. Climate Policy Lab.

DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database: 2017
Gallagher, K.S. and Anadon, L.D. (2017). DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database, The Fletcher School, Tufts University; and Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, Harvard Kennedy School; June 27.

Mission Innovation 2.0: Recommendations for the second Mission Innovation Ministerial in Beijing, China
Myslikova, Z., Gallagher, K.S., Zhang, F. (2017) Mission Innovation 2.0: Recommendations for the second Mission Innovation Ministerial in Beijing, China. CIERP Climate Policy Lab Discussion Paper 14.

The Effect of the U.S. Biofuels Mandate on Poverty in India
Chakravorty, U., Hubert, M., Marchand, B.U. (2016). The effect of the U.S. Biofuels Mandate on Poverty in India. CIERP Energy, Climate, and Innovation Program, Discussion Paper 13.

Making the Green Climate Fund Transformational
Bhandary, R., and Narassimhan, E. (2016). Making the Green Climate Fund Transformational. CIERP Policy Brief.

Post Paris Research Needs in Climate Policy
Bhandary, R. R., Gopalakrishnan, T., Kuhl, L., Tessier, L., Gallagher, K.S., Metcalf, G.E. (2016). Post Paris Research Needs in Climate Policy. CIERP Energy, Climate and Innovation Discussion Paper 12.

National Innovation Systems in the United States and China: A Brief Review of the Literature
Melaas, A., and Zhang, F. (2016). National Innovation Systems in the United States and China A Brief Review of the Literature. CIERP Energy, Climate and Innovation Discussion Paper 11.

The Carbon Consequences of China’s Overseas Investments in Coal
Gallagher, K.S. (2016) The Carbon Consequences of China’s Overseas Investments in Coal. CIERP Policy Brief.

CIERP Annual Report: Year in Review 2015-2016
CIERP Year in Review 2015 - 2016.

Technology transfer and adoption for smallholder climate change adaptation: opportunities and challenges
Kasdan, M., Kuhl, L., Kurukulasuryia, P. (2020). The evolution of transformational change in multilateral funds dedicated to financing adaptation to climate change. Climate and Development Journal.

Financing Energy Efficiency of Buildings: Green Instruments and Policy Guidance
Anbumozhi, A., Bhandary, R., Gallagher, K.S., Kalirajan, K., Peerbocuz, N, Yilmaz, F., Zhang, F. (2020). Financing energy efficiency of buildings: green instruments and policy guidance. T20 Saudi Arabia.

Mission Innovation is Mission Critical
Gallagher, K.S., Myslikova, Z. (2020). Mission Innovation is mission critical. Nat Energy.

Inter-sector network and clean energy innovation: Evidence from the wind power sector
Zhang, F., Tang, T., Su, J., Huang, K.(2020). Inter-sector network and clean energy innovation: Evidence from the wind power sector. Journal of Cleaner Production.

How China's Domestic Energy and Environmental Challenges Shape Its Global Engagement
Gallagher, K.S., Lewis, Joanna (2019). How China's Domestic Energy and Environmental Challenges Shape Its Global Engagement. Chapter 8, pgs. 220-245. The Global Environment: Institutions, Law, and Policy. CQ Press.

The distributional impacts of U.S. energy policy
Metcalf, Gilbert, E. (2019). The distributional impacts of U.S. energy policy. Energy Policy, Volume 129, Pages 926-929 (June 2019).

Linking Heterogeneous Climate Policies (Consistent with the Paris Agreement)
Mehling, Michael A., Gilbert E. Metcalf, and Robert N. Stavins. (2019). Linking Heterogeneous Climate Policies (Consistent with the Paris Agreement). Environmental Law 8, no. 4 (2019): 647–698.

DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database
Gallagher, K.S. and Anadon, L.D. (2018). DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database, The Fletcher School, Tufts University; and Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, Harvard Kennedy School; March 22.

Carbon Pricing in Practice: Lessons from Existing Policies
Gallagher, K.S., and Narassimhan, E. (2017). Carbon Pricing in Practice: Lessons from Existing Policies. CIERP Policy Brief.

The CO2 Content of Consumption Across US Regions: A Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) Approach.
Caron, J., Metcalf, G.E., and Reilly, J. The CO2 Content of Consumption Across US Regions: A Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) Approach. The Energy Journal Vol. 38 Iss. 1 (2017) p. 1 - 22

Sustainable Development Diplomacy: Diagnostics for the Negotiation and Implementation of Sustainable Development
Moomaw, W.R., Bhandary, R., Kuhl, L. and Verkooijen, P. (2016) Sustainable Development Diplomacy: Diagnostics for the Negotiation and Implementation of Sustainable Development. Global Policy, 8: 73–81. DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.12350

Green Finance The Next Frontier for U.S.-China Climate Cooperation
Hart, M., Ogden, P. and Gallagher, K.S. (2016). Green Finance The Next Frontier for U.S.-China Climate Cooperation. Center for American Progress

Carbon Pricing in Practice: A Review of the Evidence
Narassimhan, E., Gallagher, K. S., Koester, S. and Rivera Alejo, J. (2017). Carbon Pricing in Practice: A Review of the Evidence. Medford, MA. Climate Policy Lab.

Banking on coal? Drivers of demand for Chinese overseas investments in coal in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Vietnam
Gallagher, K.S., Bhandary, R., Narassimhan, E., Nguyen, Q.T. (2020). Banking on coal? Drivers of demand for Chinese overseas investments in coal in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Vietnam. Energy Research and Social Science Journal.

Reinforcing Global Climate Change Governance to Deliver Higher Ambition
Allan, J. Bhandary, R. Luomi, M. (2020). Reinforcing Global Climate Governance to Deliver Higher Ambition. T20 Saudi Arabia Policy Brief.

Accelerating Decarbonization of the U.S. Energy System
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2021). Accelerating Decarbonization of the U.S. Energy System. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Climate Finance Policy in Practice: A Review of the Evidence
Bhandary, R., Gallagher, K.S., Zhang, F. (2021). Climate finance policy in practice: a review of the evidence. Climate Policy.

Energy's Digital Future: Harnessing Innovation for American Resilience and National Security
Myers Jaffe, A., (2021). Energy's Digital Future: Harnessing Innovation for American Resilience and National Security. Columbia Press.

Sinews of politics: State Grid Corporation, investment coalitions, and embeddedness in the Philippines
Camba, A., "Sinews of politics: State Grid Corporation, investment coalitions, and embeddedness in the Philippines," Energy Strategy Reviews, May 2021.

Chinese Overseas Investment Policy: Implications for Climate Change
Gallagher, K.S., Qi, Q. “Chinese Overseas Investment Policy: Implications for Climate Change,” Global Policy, (May 6, 2021).

Using environmental justice to inform disaster recovery: Vulnerability and electricity restoration in Puerto Rico
Sotolongo M, Kuhl L, Baker S. Using environmental justice to inform disaster recovery: Vulnerability and electricity restoration in Puerto Rico. Environmental Science and Policy, 122: 59-71.

An analysis of UNFCCC-financed coastal adaptation projects: Assessing patterns of project design and contributions to adaptive capacity
Kuhl L, van Maanen K, Scyphers S. 2020. An analysis of UNFCCC-financed coastal adaptation projects: Assessing patterns of project design and contributions to adaptive capacity. World Development 127: 10478.

Ecological and Nutritional Functions of Agroecosystems as Indicators of Smallholder Resilience
Stratton AE, Kuhl L, Blesh J. 2020. Ecological and nutritional functions of agroecosystems as indicators of smallholder resilience. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 173

Policy making under scarcity: reflections for designing socially just climate adaptation policy
Kuhl L. 2021. Policymaking under scarcity: reflections for designing socially-just climate adaptation policy, One Earth 4(2): 202-212.

Addressing power and scale in resilience programming: A call to engage across funding, delivery and evaluation
Jones L, Kuhl L, Matthews N. 2020. Addressing power and scale in resilience programming: a call to engage across funding, delivery and evaluation. The Geographic Journal, 186 (4), 415-423.

The evolution of transformational change in multilateral funds dedicated to financing adaptation to climate change
Kasdan M, Kuhl L, Kurukulasuriya P. 2020. The evolution of transformational change in multilateral funds dedicated to financing adaptation to climate change. Climate and Development, 1-16.

Call Me Educated: Evidence from a Mobile Monitoring Experiment in Niger
Ksoll, C., Aker, Jenny. (2015). Call Me Educated: Evidence from a Mobile Monitoring Experiment in Niger. Center for Global Development.

Are Rainwater Harvesting Techniques Profitable for Small-Scale Farmers? Results from a Pilot Evaluation in Niger
Aker, J. (2018) Are Rainwater Harvesting Techniques Profitable for Small-Scale Farmers? Results from a Pilot Evaluation in Niger. Policy Brief. The Fletcher School, Tufts University. Medford, MA.

Information and Communication Technologies and Rural Youth
Aker, J. (2019). Information and Communication Technologies and Rural Youth. IFAD Research Series 52.

Can ABC Lead to Sustained 123? The Medium-Term Effects of a Technology-Enhanced Adult Education Program
Aker, J., Ksoll, C. (2020). Can ABC Lead to Sustained 123? The Medium-Term Effects of a Technology-Enhanced Adult Education Program. Economic Development and Cultural Change 68: 1081–1102.

How Important is the Yellow Pages? Experimental Evidence from Tanzania
Aker, J., Blumenstock, J., Dillon, B.(2020). How Important is the Yellow Pages? Experimental Evidence from Tanzania*. Centre for Economic Policy Research.

Paying for digital information: Assessing farmers’ willingness to pay for a digital agriculture and nutrition service in Ghana
Hidrobo, M., Palloni, G., Aker, J., Gilligan, D.O., Ledlie, N. (2020). Paying for Digital Information: Assessing Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for a Digital Agriculture and Nutrition Service in Ghana. IFPRI Discussion Paper.

Just a bit of cushion: The role of a simple savings device in meeting planned and unplanned expenses in rural Niger
Aker, J., Sawyer, M., Goldstein, M., O'Sullivan, M., McConnell, M. (2020). Just a Bit of Cushion: The Role of a Simple Savings Device in Meeting Planned and Unplanned Expenses in Rural Niger. World Development 128. April 2020.

Migration, Money Transfers, and Mobile Money: Evidence from Niger
Aker, J., Prina, S., Welch, J. (2020). Migration, Money Transfers, and Mobile Money: Evidence from Niger. AEA Papers and Proceedings 110: 589–593.

Contributions of Experimental Approaches to Development and Poverty Alleviation: Field Experiments and Humanitarian Assistance
Quattrochi, J., Aker, J., van der Windt, P., Voors, M. (2020). Contributions of Experimental Approaches to Development and Poverty Alleviation: Field Experiments and Humanitarian Assistance. World Development 127.

Is information power? Using mobile phones and free newspapers during an election in Mozambique
Aker, J., Collier, P., & Vicente, P. (2017). Is information power? Using mobile phones and free newspapers during an election in Mozambique. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(2), 185-200.

Nationally Determined Contribution: An Effective Signal for Adaptation Finance?
Rose, S. (2021). Nationally Determined Contribution: An Effective Signal for Adaptation Finance? CIERP/CPL Policy Brief.

Climate mainstreaming via national climate funds: the experiences of Bangladesh and Ethiopia
Bhandary, R.,R. (2021). Climate mainstreaming via national climate funds: the experiences of Bangladesh and Ethiopia. Climate and Development.

DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database
Gallagher, K.S. and L.D. Anadon. (2021). "DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database," Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University; Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge; and Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School. July 6, 2021.

From fossil to low carbon: The evolution of global public energy innovation
Bhandary, R.R., Gallagher, K.S., Huang, P., Myslikova, Z., Narassimhan, E., Zhang, F. (2021). "From fossil to low carbon: The evolution of global public energy innovation." WIREs Reviews. August 17, 2021.

How Duterte Strong-Armed Chinese Dam-Builders But Weakened Philippine Institutions
Camba, A. (2021). “How Duterte Strong-Armed Chinese Dam-Builders But Weakened Philippine Institutions,” in China Local/Global Series, Carnegie Endowment For International Peace.

How Chinese firms approach investment risk: strong leaders, cancellation, and pushback
Camba, A. (2021). “How Chinese firms approach investment risk: strong leaders, cancellation, and pushback.” Review of International Political Economy.

Beyond the implications of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam filling policies
Yimere, A., Assefa, E. (2021). "Beyond the implications of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam filling policies." AIMS Geosciences, 2021, 7(3): 313-330. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2021019

Assessment of the Water-Energy Nexus under Future Climate Change in the Nile River Basin
Yimere, A., Assefa, E. (2021). "Assessment of the Water-Energy Nexus under Future Climate Change in the Nile River Basin" Climate. 2021.

Net-Zero by 2050: How Should We Achieve a Carbon-Free U.S. Economy?
Fakhry, R., Gallagher, K.S., Gerrard, M., Martella, R. "Net-Zero by 2050: How Should We Achieve a Carbon-Free U.S. Economy?" The Environmental Forum. 2021. (2021).

Supporting Low-Carbon Energy Through a New Generation of Tax Credits
Metcalf, G. "Supporting Low-Carbon Energy Through a New Generation of Tax Credits" CPL Policy Brief. (2021).

How a U.S. Green Bank Could Make the Economy Greener and Fairer
Griffith-Jones, S., and Gallagher, K.S. "How a U.S. Green Bank Could Make the Economy Greener and Fairer" CPL Policy Brief. (2021).

Promoting Inclusive and Impactful Research, Development, and Demonstration Programs
Nemet, G., Gallagher, K.S. "Promoting Inclusive and Impactful Research, Development, and Demonstration Programs." CPL Policy Brief. (2021).

U.S. Loan Guarantee Program Needs Deeper Clarification of Goals and Metrics
Jaffe, A.M. "U.S. Loan Guarantee Program Needs Deeper Clarification of Goals and Metrics." CPL Policy Brief. (2021).

Challenges for a climate risk disclosure mandate
Griffin, P., Jaffe, A.M. "Challenges for a climate risk disclosure mandate" Nature Energy Journal. (2021).

India’s Policy Pathways for Deep Decarbonisation
Narassimhan, E., Gallagher, K.S., Gopalakrishnan, T. "India’s policy pathways for deep decarbonisation" Observer Research Foundation. (2021).

Zero Budget Natural Farming in Andhra Pradesh: A Review of Evidence, Gaps, and Future Considerations
Rose, S., Halstead, J., Griffin, T. "Zero Budget Natural Farming in Andhra Pradesh: A Review of Evidence, Gaps, and Future Considerations" Tufts University. (2021).

What drives Pakistan’s coal-fired power plant construction boom? Understanding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor’s energy portfolio
Bhandary, R.R., Gallagher, K.S. "What drives Pakistan’s coal-fired power plant construction boom? Understanding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor’s energy portfolio" World Development Perspectives. (2022).

National climate funds: a new dataset on national financing vehicles for climate change
Bhandary, R.R. "National climate funds: a new dataset on national financing vehicles for climate change" Taylor & Francis Online. (2022).

Carbon Pricing in the US: Examining State-Level Policy Support and Federal Resistance
Gallagher, K.S., Koester, S., Narassimhan, E. "Carbon Pricing in the US: Examining State-Level Policy Support and Federal Resistance." Politics and Governance. (2022).

The policy coordinator role of national development banks in scaling climate finance
Zhang, Fang. "The policy coordinator role of national development banks in scaling climate finance: Evidence from the renewable energy sector" Climate Policy. (2022).

DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database 2022
Gallagher, K.S. and L.D. Anadon 2022, "DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database," The Fletcher School, Tufts University; Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge; and Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School; April 8.

The Role of Innovation in the Electric Utility Sector: Future Electric Utility Regulation Report No. 13
Lee, Kevin, Cooper, Adam, Wood, Lisa, Shuster, Mike, Hoskins, Anne, Worley, Christopher M, Barbara, Kristin, Kates-Garnick, Barbara, and McCafferty, Max. "The Role of Innovation in the Electric Utility Sector, Future Electric Utility Regulation Report No. 13," U.S. Department of Energy. (2022).

Climate change, social justice, and dislocation in the United States: Recommendations for Policy Makers
Lazetic, Marina; Jacobsen, Karen, “Climate change, social justice, and dislocation in the United States: Recommendations for Policy Makers.” Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School, April 2022.

Current and Future Irrigation Water Requirement and Potential in the Abbay River Basin, Ethiopia
Yimere, Abay; Assefa, Engdawork. "Current and Future Irrigation Water Requirement and Potential in the Abbay River Basin, Ethiopia," Sage Journals, Volume: 15. (2022).

Climate Change-Induced Disrupting Threats and US National Security
Lokarajan, Jayashri; Toft, Monica, “Climate Change-Induced Disrupting Threats and US National Security” Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School, April 2022.

Chain Effect- Industrial energy policy in Africa in an era of captive power: Aligning Energy Policies with Industrial Development Goals in Developing Economies: A Case Study of Ghana and Kenya
Owusu-Mante, Seth, “Chain effect: Industrial Energy Policy in Africa in an era of Captive Power - Aligning Energy Policies with Industrial Development Goals in Developing Economies: A Case Study of Ghana and Kenya.” EnergyNet Limited, London, United Kingdom. (2021).

State Owned Enterprises and the Energy Transition
Jaffe, Amy Myers, “State Owned Enterprises and the Energy Transition.” Papeles de Energía, Madrid, Spain. (2022).

Pathways for Deep Decarbonization: Aligning India's NDC Submission with its Net Zero Ambition
Gopalakrishnan, Tarun, Narassimhan, Easwaran, Gallagher, Kelly Sims,“Pathways for Deep Decarbonization: Aligning India’s NDC Submission with its Net-Zero Ambition.” Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University, September 2022.

Supporting Energy Transitions and Covid-19 Recovery: The Role of International Financial Institutions
Bhandary, Rishikesh Ram, Staicu, Daniela, Myslikova, Zdenka, Ullah, Najeeb, “Supporting Energy Transitions and Covid-19 Recovery: The Role of International Financial Institutions.” Task Force 7, International Finance and Economic Recovery. (2022).

Shielding and expanding Mission Innovation
Myslikova, Z., Jaffe, A. & Gallagher, K.S. Shielding and expanding Mission Innovation. Nat Energy (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-022-01115-5

Demanding development: The political economy of climate finance and overseas investments from China
Rishikesh Ram Bhandary, Kelly Sims Gallagher, Amy Myers Jaffe, Zdenka Myslikova, Fang Zhang, Maria Petrova, Angeles Barrionuevo, Guillaume Fontaine, Jose Luis Fuentes, Patrick Karani, Daniela Martinez, Likeleli Seitlheko, Daniela Staicu, Najeeb Ullah, Abay Yimere, Demanding development: The political economy of climate finance and overseas investments from China, Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 93, 2022, 102816, ISSN 2214-6296, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2022.102816.

Green innovation of state-owned oil and gas enterprises in BRICS countries: a review of performance
Jaffe, A.M., Myslikova, Z., Qi. Q., Fang, Z., Oh, S., Elaas, J. "Green innovation of state-owned oil and gas enterprises in BRICS countries: a review of performance.” Climate Policy. (2022).

Kelly Sims Gallagher writes for Foreign Affairs: Time to Rethink Climate Finance- Net Zero Won't Come Cheap
Gallagher, Kelly Sims. "Time to Rethink Climate Finance Net Zero Won’t Come Cheap.” Foreign Affairs. (2022).

Adapting to climate change through anticipatory action: The potential use of weather-based early warnings
Coughlan de Perez, Erin, et. Al, “Adapting to climate change through anticipatory action: The potential use of weather-based early warnings.” Weather and Climate Extremes, Volume 38, (2022).

Different types of drought under climate change or geoengineering: Systematic review of societal implications
Coughlan de Perez, Erin, et. Al, "Different types of drought under climate change or geoengineering: Systematic review of societal implications," Frontiers in Climate, Sec. Climate Risk Management; (2022).

Epidemiological versus meteorological forecasts: Best practice for linking models to policymaking
Coughlan de Perez, Erin, et. Al, “Epidemiological versus meteorological forecasts: Best practice for linking models to policymaking.” International Journal of Forecasting, volume 38 (2022).

Learning from the past in moving to the future: Invest in communication and response to weather early warnings to reduce death and damage
Coughlan de Perez, Erin, et. Al, “Learning from the past in moving to the future: Invest in communication and response to weather early warnings to reduce death and damage.” Climate Risk Management (2021).

The effectiveness of forecast-based humanitarian assistance in anticipation of extreme winters: a case study of vulnerable herders in Mongolia
Gros, C., Easton-Calabria, E., Bailey, M., Dagys, K., de Perez, E.C., Sharavnyambuu, M. and Kruczkiewicz, A., “The effectiveness of forecast-based humanitarian assistance in anticipation of extreme winters: a case study of vulnerable herders in Mongolia.” Disasters, 46: 95-118. (2022)

Decision-Making Options for Managing Risk
New, M., D.Reckien, D.Viner, C.Adler, S.-M.Cheong, C.Conde, A.Constable, E.Coughlan de Perez, A.Lammel, R. Mechler, B. Orlove, and W. Solecki, “Decision-Making Options for Managing Risk. In: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York (2022).

Cementing development and (un)steeling decarbonization: The political economy of infrastructure drive in Duterte's Philippines
Camba, Alvin. “Cementing development and (un)steeling decarbonization: The political economy of infrastructure drive in Duterte's Philippines.” Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 96. (2023).

Does not having an NDB disadvantage a country in finance mobilization for the energy transition? A comparative analysis of the solar PV deployment in the United States, Germany and China
Zhang, Fang. “Does not having an NDB disadvantage a country in finance mobilization for the energy transition? A comparative analysis of the solar PV deployment in the United States, Germany and China.” Energy Policy, Volume 172. (2023).

The Coming Carbon Tsunami Developing Countries Need a New Growth Model—Before It’s Too Late
Gallagher, Kelly Sims. “The Coming Carbon Tsunami Developing Countries Need a New Growth Model—Before It’s Too Late.” Foreign Affairs (2022).

China's Climate Policies and Actions in 2022
Liu, H., Zhang, F., Qi, Q., Franck, T. & Gallagher, K.S. “China’s Climate Policies and Actions in 2022.” Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University, March 2023.

Energy Transition in Fragile State: A Critical Primer
Gopalakrishnan, Tarun and Jared Miller. 2022. Energy Transition in Fragile States: A Critical Primer. World Peace Foundation, Tufts University.

Loss and Damage Funding in the UN Climate Negotiations: From Dialogue to Reality
Bethany Tietjen & Tarun Gopalakrishnan (2023) Loss and Damage Funding in the UN Climate Negotiations: From Dialogue to Reality, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 65:3, 18-28.

DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database 2023
Gallagher, K.S. and L.D. Anadon. "DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database," The Fletcher School, Tufts University; Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge; and Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School. (2023).

Potential for surprising heat and drought events in wheat-producing regions of USA and China
Coughlan de Perez, E., Griffin, T., Ganapathi, H., Masukwedza, G., Kelder, T. "Potential for surprising heat and drought events in wheat-producing regions of USA and China," npj Clim Atmos Sci. (2023).

The Right Way for America and China to Cooperate on Climate
Gallagher, Kelly Sims. "The Right Way for America and China to Cooperate on Climate” Foreign Affairs. (2023).

Climate Change and Urban Migration in Sub-Saharan African Cities: Impacts and Governance Challenges
Tietjen, B., Jacobsen, K., Hollander, J., "Climate Change and Urban Migration in Sub-Saharan African Cities: Impacts and Governance Challenges," Journal of Climate Resilience and Climate Justice. (2023).

Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States: Technology, Policy, and Societal Dimensions
Kelly Sims Gallagher served on the committee with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. "Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States.”

Mission Impossible: Harvested Wood Products under Article 6
Oh, S. "Mission Impossible: Harvested Wood Products under Article 6," Carbon Mechanisms Review. (2023).

Brazil's Energy Innovation Landscape
Myslikova, Z. and Dolton-Thornton, N. "Brazil’s Energy Innovation Landscape," Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University. (October 2023)

Chile's Energy Innovation Landscape
Myslikova, Z. and Dolton-Thornton, N. "Chile's Energy Innovation Landscape,” Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University. (October 2023)

Job creation and deep decarbonization
Gallagher, K.S. and Oh, S. “Job creation and deep decarbonization,” Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 39, Issue 4. (2023).

Maximizing The Benefits of Colombia's Energy Transition
Hampl, N. "Maximizing The Benefits of Colombia's Energy Transition," Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University. (November 2023)

Strategies for green industrial and innovation policy – an analysis of policy alignment, misalignment, and realignment around dominant designs in the EV sector
Narassimhan, E., Myslikova, Z., and Gallagher, K. S. "Strategies for green industrial and innovation policy – an analysis of policy alignment, misalignment, and realignment around dominant designs in the EV sector," Environmental Research Letters, (2023).

Diversity and Inclusion in Public Clean Energy Innovation Programs in the United States
Oh, S., Jaffe, A. M., Gallagher, K. S., Dominguez-Faus, R., and Dahl, E. "Diversity and Inclusion in Public Clean Energy Innovation Programs in the United States" Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University, Number 018. (January 2024).

Finance to adapt: Making climate funding work for agriculture at the local level
Tietjen, B. “Finance to adapt: Making climate funding work for agriculture at the local level,” ECDMP, (2019).

The feasibility and policy engagements in achieving net zero emissions in China's power sector by 2050: A LEAP-REP model analysis
Ten, Z., Zhang, S., Liu, H., Huang, R., Wang, H., and Pu, L. "The feasibility and policy engagements in achieving net zero emissions in China's power sector by 2050: A LEAP-REP model analysis," Energy Conversion and Management, 304 (2024).

Electricity grids and geopolitics: A game-theoretic analysis of the synchronization of the Baltic States' electricity networks with Continental Europe
Fang, S., Jaffe, A. M., Loch-Temzelides, T., and Lo Prete, C. “Electricity grids and geopolitics: A game-theoretic analysis of the synchronization of the Baltic States' electricity networks with Continental Europe,” Energy Policy, Volume 188. May 2024.

Energy systems for Brazil's Amazon: Could renewable energy improve Indigenous livelihoods and save forest ecosystems?
Hampl, N. “Energy systems for Brazil's Amazon: Could renewable energy improve Indigenous livelihoods and save forest ecosystems?” Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 112, (June 2024).

Preparing for Novel Extreme Weather Events in the United States: Lessons from Disasters
Clark, J., Tietjen, B., Jaffe, A. M., Salak, S., and Coughlan de Perez, E. "Preparing for Novel Extreme Weather Events in the United States: Lessons from Disasters," Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University. (April 2024)

Climate Policy Is Working: Double Down on What's Succeeding Instead of Despairing Over What's Not
Gallagher, K. S. "Climate Policy Is Working: Double Down on What's Succeeding Instead of Despairing Over What's Not," Council on Foreign Affairs. (May/June 2024).

Making sense of the shapes: What do we know about literacy learning in adulthood?
Aker, J., Sawyer, M., and Berry, J. "Making sense of the shapes: What do we know about literacy learning in adulthood?" Economics of Education Review, Volume 100. (June 2024).

Harvesting the Rain: The Adoption of Environmental Technologies in the Sahel
Aker, J. and Jack, K. "Harvesting the Rain: The Adoption of Environmental Technologies in the Sahel," The Review of Economics and Statistics. (December 2023).

Demand, supply and long-term adoption: Evidence from a storage technology in West Africa
Aker, J., Dillon, B., and Welch, K. "Demand, supply and long-term adoption: Evidence from a storage technology in West Africa," Journal of Development Economics, Volume 165. (October 2023)

Solarizing Community Water Supply in Amhara State of Ethiopia
Holthaus, J., Hailemichael, G., Pandey, B., and Giannantonio, J. "Solarizing Community Water Supply in Amhara State of Ethiopia," Winrock International. (December 2023).

Progress and gaps in U.S. Adaptation policy at the local level
Tietjen, B., Clark, J., and Coughlan de Perez, E. "Progress and gaps in U.S. Adaptation policy at the local level," Global Environmental Change, Volume 87. (July 2024).

DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database
Gallagher, K.S. and L.D. Anadon, "DOE Budget Authority for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Database," The Fletcher School, Tufts University; CEENRG, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge; and Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School; July 8, 2024.

Urban policy responses to climate hazards in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Jacobsen, K., Hollander J., Sternlieb, S., Yimere, A., Naegele, A., and Schwalm, C., "Urban policy responses to climate hazards in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia," City and Environment Interactions, Volume 24. (December 2024).

Water usage in cooling systems for electricity production: an event study of retrofitted coal-fired power plants in the United States
Chi, K. and McCracken, M., "Water usage in cooling systems for electricity production: an event study of retrofitted coal-fired power plants in the United States," Environmental Research Letters. (2024).

Decarbonizing industrial hubs and clusters: Towards an integrated framework of green industrial policies
Oh, S. and Al-Juaied, M. "Decarbonizing industrial hubs and clusters: Towards an integrated framework of green industrial policies," Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 118. (2024).

The spatio-temporal dynamic evolution and variability pattern of urban green resilience in China based on multi-criteria decision-making
Yang, Z., Zhang, S., and Fengyun, L. "The spatio-temporal dynamic evolution and variability pattern of urban green resilience in China based on multi-criteria decision-making," Sustainable Cities and Society. (2024).

A Phased Policy Mix to Achieve India’s Economic and Climate Goals
Gopalakrishnan, T., Narassimhan, E. & Gallagher, K. S. "A Phased Policy Mix to Achieve India’s Economic and Climate Goals." Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University, (November 2024).

Fickle environmental attitudes and cleantech underinvestment
El-Gamal, M. A., Jaffe, A. M., and Salak, S. "Fickle environmental attitudes and cleantech underinvestment,” Applied Economics Letters, 1–5. (2024).

Is net zero net positive? – Opportunities and challenges for pursuing a socio-economically sensitive net-zero transition for India
Narassimhan, E., Gopalakrishnan, T., Gallagher, K. S., Mahajan, M., and Orvis, R. “Is net zero net positive? – Opportunities and challenges for pursuing a socio-economically sensitive net-zero transition for India,” Climate Policy. (November 2024).

Path to Carbon Peaking and Neutrality: China’s Progress and Upcoming NDCs
Liu, H., Cui, Z., Zhang, F., Franck, T., & Gallagher, K. S. "Path to Carbon Peaking and Neutrality: China’s Progress and Upcoming NDCs." Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University. (December 2024).

From Policy to Progress: Overcoming Barriers to South Africa’s Current and Future NDC Targets
Owusu-Mante, S. "From Policy to Progress: Overcoming Barriers to South Africa’s Current and Future NDC Targets." Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University. (December 2024).

From Ambition to Action: Policy Pathways for Indonesia’s Enhanced NDC and Net Zero Target
Oh, S. "From Ambition to Action: Policy Pathways for Indonesia’s Enhanced NDC and Net Zero Target." Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University. (January 2025).

Climate Ambition Scenario for Mexico: Insights and Policy Implications
Sy, S. A., Myslikova, Z., Hampl, N., Franck, T., Gallagher, K. S., Fernández-Bremauntz, A., Flores-Montalvo, A., Zafra-Ortega, A., and Palacios-Saldaña, R. "Climate Ambition Scenario for Mexico: Insights and Policy Implications." Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University. (January 2025).

Industrial Strategies for Decarbonization and Green Growth in the Brazilian Steel and Cement Industries
Gallagher, K. S., Jain, S., Chi, K.H., and Hampl, N. "Industrial Strategies for Decarbonization and Green Growth in the Brazilian Steel and Cement Industries." Discussion Paper, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University. (January 2025).

Brazil's Net-Zero Future and Circular Bioeconomy: Achieving Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) while Saving Vital Ecosystems
Hampl, N. "Brazil's Net-Zero Future and Circular Bioeconomy: Achieving Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) while Saving Vital Ecosystems." Policy Brief, Climate Policy Lab, The Fletcher School at Tufts University. (January 2025).

Review of Economics and Policies of Carbon Dioxide Removal
Oh, S., Greene, J., and Honegger, M. "Review of Economics and Policies of Carbon Dioxide Removal." Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, 12, 6. (March 2025).

Chapter 4. Searching for 'indigenous' energy justice: Case studies of Costa Rica's El Diquís and Panama’s Barro Blanco hydroelectric projects
“Chapter 4. Searching for ‘indigenous’ energy justice: Case studies of Costa Rica’s El Diquís and Panama’s Barro Blanco hydroelectric projects,” in Energy Justice in Latin America: Reflections, Lessons and Critiques, ed. Adolfo Mejía-Montero (Routledge, 2025).