Climate Policy Databases
State-owned Enterprises and Energy Transition Data Base
State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are a major force in global energy markets. They control a significant share of hydrocarbon natural resources globally and are a major investor in energy infrastructure, resource development, and energy research and development (R&D). For example, SOEs control over 80 percent of proven world oil reserves. In many cases, SOE expenditure on R & D also is significantly more than what their national governments invest in energy R & D directly. Climate Policy Lab is developing an original dataset of selected metrics to evaluate the role of SOEs in energy innovation and low carbon transition. Data and analysis will cover the period of 2005 to present.
SOEs’ R&D expenditures (Unit: USD millions with GDP deflator)
R&D intensity (%, R&D expenditures as a percentage of the company’s revenues) and the price of crude (in USD)