April 1970 marked the dawn of a new generation of thinking that strives to unravel the complexity and dynamics of climate change in a collective endeavor to create a better and fair world. Thus, this year's Earth Day theme, Invest in Our Planet, resonates with the paramount importance of investment in the triple nexus of water, energy, and food.
Rapid population growth, urbanization, industrialization, drought, and climate change have significantly increased the vulnerability of water, energy, and land resources. Therefore, the triple nexus of water, energy, and food has invited policymakers and researchers to opt for sustainable modes of the operand to address the current production and consumption of water, energy, and food systems. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released just a few weeks before Earth Day, warned of an increased frequency and intensity of drought and flood occurrences with broader global coverage.
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