Climate Policy Lab at COP27

What is the Climate Policy Lab?

The Fletcher School’s Climate Policy Lab (CPL) at Tufts University works to determine which climate policies work, which don’t, and why.  The lab conducts independent, evidence-based research and policy analysis, providing objective insights that enhance effective climate-related choices for policy makers across the geographic and ideological spectrum. Our work is founded on the desire for sustainable and resilient development that will address climate change in a manner that will improve the quality of life for all people.  The scope of the Lab is highly attuned to state, national, and bi-lateral policy processes while maintaining a global perspective -- the motto of The Fletcher School.

Blog Posts from the Tufts University COP27 Delegation

Climate Policy Lab COP27 Team

Climate Policy Lab Presentations at COP27

  • Date and Time: Wednesday 9 November at 11:30 - 13:00

    Location: Thebes (Room 7)

    Title: Policy, regulation and climate finance development scenarios for renewable energy in Africa, with a focus on Ethiopia's updated NDC

    Theme: Strengthening resilience for sustainable and just development in Africa through implementing NDC: opportunities for adaptation planning; clean energy; finance; food security; industry; and land as well as carbon market


    Dr. Fitsum Assefa, Minister for the Ministry of Planning and Development

    Kelly Sims Gallagher, Climate Policy Lab

    Muluneh Hedeto, Ethiopian EPA

    Abay Yimere, Climate Policy Lab

    Stephan Hoch, Perspectives Climate Group

    Seth Owusu-Mante, Climate Policy Lab

  • Date and Time: 7 November at 11:00 - 12:00

    Location: Global Innovation Hub Pavilion

    Speaker: Rachel Kyte

  • Date and Time: 8 November at 9:00 - 12:00

    Location: China Pavilion

    Organized by Zhang Xiliang, Director, Institute of Energy, Environment, and Economy, Tsinghua and the Counsellors's Office of the State Council (COSC)


    Kelly Sims Gallagher, Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy and Academic Dean, The Fletcher School at Tufts University

    Mr. Xie Zhenhua, China's Special Envoy for Climate Change and Director General of the Climate Change Department, Ministry of Environment and Ecology

  • Dates: 8 November - 10 November

    Location: To be Determined

    Speaker: Rachel Kyte

  • Date and Time: 9 November at 12:00 - 12:45

    Location: UK Pavilion

    Speaker: Rachel Kyte

  • Date and Time: 9 November at 13:00 - 14:00

    Location: China Pavilion

    Agenda and Speakers:

    • Opening by Moderator, Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy and Environment, UC Berkeley

    • Equitable Climate Action, Professor Tracey Osborne, Director, UC Center for Climate Justice

    • Lessons from China Climate Policy, Professor Li Zheng, Tsinghua University

    • Just Energy Transitions, Professor Ryna Cui, Research Director, Center for Global Sustainability, University of Maryland

    • Green Technology and Innovation, Professor Kelly Gallagher, Director Climate Policy Lab, Tufts University

    • Open Discussion and Audience Q & A

    • Closing Remarks, Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy and Environment, UC Berkeley

  • Date and Time: 9 November at 15:00 - 16:30

    Location: Virtual

    Speaker: Rachel Kyte

  • Time and Date: 10 November at 15:00 - 16:30

    Location: IETA Pavilion

    Speaker: Kelly Sims Gallagher

  • Date and Time: 11 November at 12:30 - 14:00

    Location: To Be Determined

    Speaker: Rachel Kyte

  • Date and Time: 12 November at 17:30 - 18:30

    Location: Biz Pavilion

    With: Rachel Kyte

  • Date and Time: 13 November at 14:30 - 16:30

    Location: To Be Determined

  • Date and Time: 14 November at 17:30 - 18:30

    Location: Africa Pavilion

    Speakers: Abay Yimere, Seth Owusu-Mante, Deborah Sunter, Emily Holt


    • Ethiopia and Kenya's binding energy policy constraints and barriers with recommendations on interventions to increase climate financing and investments, and deepen renewable energy developments and updates.

    • Open Access Modelling Tools to Plan Energy Investment in a Climate Uncertain World: A Case Study of the SWITCH Model for Ethiopia

  • Dates: Thursday 10 – Saturday 12 November

    Location: Booth #32

    Learn more about Climate Policy Lab by visiting our booth.

Photos from COP27



Accurate and transparent data is fundamental to climate and energy research at Climate Policy Lab (CPL) and beyond. Climate Policy Lab develops analytical tools and government-engagement programs to assist policy makers to estimate the emissions reductions or avoided emissions for specific policies or a range of complementary policies within the context of national political, societal, cultural, and technical landscapes. We believe that access to accurate and transparent data collection and analysis facilitates more ambitious climate action and improves the level of success in achieving urgent climate action goals.


COP27 News